• Developing Innovative<br> New Therapies...

    Our researchers are focused on

    Developing Innovative
    New Therapies...

    Our mission is to build a healthier tomorrow for patients
    with progressive non-viral liver diseases
  • To Live Healthy Life

    We will Help You

    To Live Healthy Life

    Our mission is to build a healthier tomorrow for patients
    with progressive non-viral liver diseases
  • Discovery, Development &<br> Commercialization

    We are dedicated to the

    Discovery, Development &

    Of innovative therapies intended to significantly improve outcomes in patients
    suffering from life-threatening diseases.

Launching Soon

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See Our Products

We have several product candidates in development that we believe have been significantly de-risked.

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Why Choose Us?

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Thousands of Happy Clients

Development pipeline

Balanced mix of new substance developments and life cycle management opportunities.

We focus on core competencies and its many years of experience. We thus hold a leading position in many therapeutic fields: for instance in the treatment of hemophilia and multiple sclerosis, in contrast media and oral contraception. We are also striving for such a leading position in oncology.


Research & Preclinical


Starting Phase


Medium Phase


Finishing Phase


After Drug Approval


Drugs Production

Development pipeline

Balanced mix of new substance developments and life cycle management opportunities.

We focus on core competencies and its many years of experience. We thus hold a leading position in many therapeutic fields: for instance in the treatment of hemophilia and multiple sclerosis, in contrast media and oral contraception. We are also striving for such a leading position in oncology.


Research & Preclinical


Starting Phase


Medium Phase


Finishing Phase


After Drug Approval


Drugs Production

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